Saturday, March 27, 2010

Earliest Tea Party protest
And the "Moral Majority" was neither of the two
Blight from the Right, babble from the rabble
Faux News: We Distort, We Deride
First patient for Obamacare

Friday, March 26, 2010

Tea Party's true flavor

GOP toes the line, hits third rail
GOP Whine: Drink Deeply
by Gene Lyons
GOP gets shot with elephant gun

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Ballad Of Rush Limbaugh, by Nona Hendryx
Sore Loser Republicans fight health care reform to the bitter end

Monday, March 22, 2010

Tea Baggers Lose Health Care Reform Battle
Now that health care reform has passed in Congress, when is Rush Limbaugh going to leave the country, as he had promised?
If Eve was Adam's rib, then Ann Coulter is (has an) Adam's apple
Know-Nothingism is alive and well in Texas, running the school board

If Jesus had returned as Glenn Beck
Darth Cheney & Daughter

Friday, March 19, 2010

On March 19, 2010, Karl Rove will be promoting his new book of lies in downtown Chicago at the Union League Club, reportedly getting $100,000 for a single speech. Protestors calling him a war criminal are already gathered outside.
Originally posted July 20, 2005

Rove Propaganda
(Sung to the tune of "Copacabana" by Barry Manilow)

Click HERE for MIDI music

(instrumental intro)

His name is Dubya - pissed off the whole world.
Claimed, "Yellowcake is everywhere, so we must bomb Saddam's lair!"
Lies fabricated, bullsh*t and ca-ca...
And while he tried to be the czar, Karl always went too far.
Rove's boss would start a war, and Rove was keeping score,
While slinging dung to provide Bush cover.
What is Rove there for?

Karl Rove, yeah! (Rove!) Rove propaganda (propaganda),
Reads like Downing Street memoranda (lies)...
Karl Rove, yeah! Rove propaganda...
Misused "compassion," for Bush, Rove refashioned...
A makeover... for "Hero" Shrub.
(Rove, yeah... Rove propaganda...)

Plame's name was leaked, so... Rove could remind us
Warmonger Shrub's foreign affairs needed liars just like Blair.
Law was diminished, when Rove ran over...
Joe Wilson; revenge went too far, Rove has failed to shield his czar.
Soon verbal punches flew, from press to Bush's crew.
Iraqi blood and a smoking gun plot; people now see through...

Karl Rove, yeah! (Rove!) Rove propaganda (propaganda),
Reads like Downing Street memoranda (lies)...
Karl Rove, yeah! Rove propaganda...
Misused "compassion," for Bush, Rove refashioned...
A makeover... No "Hero," Shrub...

Rove, yeah... Rove propaganda...
Rove propaganda...
Rove propaganda...
Rove propaganda...
Misused "compassion," Bush was refashioned...

(instrumental break)

The name of Dubya... hated by whole world.
He has a few more years to go, as a lame duck full of woe.
Turd Blossom hissed, "No!" - denied involvement.
But the big mess he made was aired;
Tarred and feathered, Rove's affair.
Though Rove was Bush's mind, we think hate made him blind.
Rove hates the truth; propping up a phony.
Jail him and his kind.

Ban Karl Rove, yeah! (Rove!) Rove propaganda (propaganda)...
Reads like Downing Street memoranda (lies)...
Karl Rove, yeah! Rove propaganda...
Misused "compassion," for Bush, Rove refashioned...
A makeover... Downfall for Shrub...

Downfall for Shrub...
Downfall for Shrub...
Downfall for Shrub...

(repeat last line and fade)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

GOP Favors Bimbo Ticket in 2012
Reminder of the Reagan budget deficits
Texas History Textbooks (and other works of fiction)
GOP ABout To Get Steamrolled?

Monday, March 15, 2010

Put yourself inside a great anti-Glenn Beck news parody

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Politics According To The Simpsons
Singer Jane Jensen blasts John Yoo and his torture memos
Family Scam
Like sitting on a nest of rotten eggs
GREED with a capital G
Message For Sarah Palin
The Cheneys are really popular nowadays (NOT)