(Sung to the tune of "Revolution" by The Beatles)
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As sung by Head Chimp George Dubya Bush
I don't believe in ev-o-lu-tion...
I say it ain't so.
The right wing now rules the world.
Creationism is the so-lu-tion;
Supporters say so.
The right wing now rules the world.
When scientists talk about des-truc-tion
Of ozone layer, I just tune them out.
Don't they know that cannot be?!
I'm right!
I'm right!
I'm right!
Kyoto Treaty is no so-lu-tion;
Global warming ain't so.
We'll grab all the oil we can.
Conservatives want ret-ri-bu-tion
Against science that shows
Lower primates led to man.
Collected big money from people whose minds just hate
All science and logic, which bothers their mental state.
They all crow and count on me.
I'm right!
I'm right!
I'm right!
I'm right... I'm right... I'm right... I'm right...
(repeat final refrain ad nauseum)