Don't Think Rice Will Make Things Right
(Sung to the tune of "Don't Think Twice, It's All Right" by Bob Dylan)
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(instrumental intro)
Bush power abuse, bullsh*t and blunder; lie; fake.
Truth don't matter, anyhow.
Bush power abuse, bullsh*t and blunder; lie; fake.
Right Wing won't slow; not now.
Right wing boosters crow now that Powell's gone.
Mideast war window, through Bush's pawn.
She's the reason Powell's traveling on.
Don't think Rice will make things right.
Bush power abuse, she earned while being right wing.
By Right Wing, she is owned.
Bush power abuse, she earned while being right wing.
She's on the dark side, power-stoned.
Condi wished there was something she could do or say
To make people forget whom she let get away:
Bin Laden's terrorists stalked, while Bush played.
Don't think Rice will make things right.
Bush power abuse, installing Dubya's dame pal.
Bush is never done with war.
Bush power abuse, installing Dubya's dame pal.
Rice so dear to Bush and more.
Loves Shrub's thinking and blundering,
Talking, bears his load.
Condi loves the Moron, Pop's child, who sold
Lies for war to start, now Iraq's a hell hole.
Don't think Rice will make things right.
Bush stalks the world with wrong, loathsome, road rage.
Loyalty-bound, Rice won't tell.
She'll tell lies; no good on world stage.
World will say "Go to hell!"
Condi's saying Bush treated her most kind.
She'll have to do better as Bush's mind.
Iraqi lives wasted in this vicious time.
But don't think Rice will make things right.