Ahmad Chalabi
(Sung to the tune of "Eleanor Rigby" by The Beatles)
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(instrumental intro)
Ha! Crooked Bush's looney people...
Ha! Crooked Bush's looney people...
Ahmad Chalabi... duped Condi Rice in the search for the WMDs,
Bush war hawks dreamed.
"Bomb Iraq" window; scaring through race hatred, profiling started their war.
Who is it for?
Bush's looney people; the neo-cons, so dumb.
Bush's looney people; the neo-cons, so dumb.
Rummy's war frenzy; gave secret word to his prisons guards: they need not fear.
Torture, they cheer.
Iraq's not working; Bush claims he's "shocked" at the plight of the prisoners there.
What does he care?
Bush's looney people; the neo-cons, so dumb.
Bush's looney people; the neo-cons, so dumb.
Ahmad Chalabi... left in the lurch when Bush dumped him and sullied his name.
He caused Bush shame.
"Bomb first, and then see" - thousands got hurt in that land as Bush war hawks all raved;
Iraq enslaved.
Bush's looney people; the neo-cons, so dumb.
Bush's looney people; the neo-cons, so dumb.