Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Throne Was Arranged
(Sung to the tune of "Home on the Range")

Click HERE for MIDI music

As sung by King Shrub:

(instrumental intro)

Dad gave me my throne
The republic, I own.
I don't hear what the protestors say.
To sheep in my herd,
Rule of law is my word,
Telling lies, so that I'll get my way.

Throne, throne was arranged.
I don't hear what the protestors say.
To sheep in my herd,
Rule of law is my word,
Telling lies, so that I'll get my way.

Don't care; I'm the Fuhrer;
And protests, I won't see.
Oil I'll seize from Iraq through our fight.
I never will change;
'Cause my throne's been arranged.
Rule all of the world with my might.

Throne, throne was arranged.
I don't hear what the protestors say.
To sheep in my herd,
Rule of law is my word,
Telling lies, so that I'll get my way.

How I love my power;
Bein' the Man of the Hour.
Four more years I can get through my team.
The sheep in my flocks
Don't know I sold Fort Knox
To pay tax cuts, the billionaires' dream.

Throne, throne was arranged.
I don't hear what the protestors say.
To sheep in my herd,
Rule of law is my word,
Telling lies, so that I'll get my way.