Thursday, March 20, 2003

Bush The Ass, War-Crazed, Is Blind
The exclusive rendition of the MIDI music was sequenced by my friend, Ron Tilden
(Sung to the tune of "And The Grass Won't Pay No Mind" by Neil Diamond)

Click for MIDI music

(instrumental intro)

"War is easy!" (Duh, Duh-Buh-Ya...)
Bush can hear God callin',
Hawking fear... hear him scream.
Bush the Loony
Has Blair's regime fallin'.
Britain chased the oil war scheme.
Shrub's war crime will be our crime.
Bush the ass, war-crazed, is blind.

Sayin' nothin'...
Lyin', the Dim Son is.
Shakin' down those on his side.
World dissed W.
World he just dismisses.
This man mentally is fried.
Shrub's war crime will be our crime.
Bush the ass, war-crazed, is blind.

Vile! Bush has sold war through lies,
'Cause the world will know there's no grounds.
Why... does the world despise
Him today? Bush hears only war sounds;
The omen he's giving us now...

(Duh, Duh-Buh-Ya...)

Young kids dyin'...
Where Shrub's bombs are goin'
Fools the press; abides his "charms."
Closed their eyes; don't see Shrub's powers growin'.
The sheep stay sleeping on their farms.
Shrub's war crime will be our crime.
Bush the ass, war-crazed, is blind.